3 Chinese Tenors Album Now in iTunes Store

Well, it only took us over a year to get our album into the store but there it is now at last: https://itun.es/au/DND_0. Our music aggregator (digital music is usually published on the major online stores through an aggregator, not directly by the artist), it turned out, apparently had no experience with publishing classical contentContinue reading “3 Chinese Tenors Album Now in iTunes Store”

Singing After Cyclone Ingrid Part 1

Hao really sounded concerned. “I don’t think we have enough fuel!” The response from the six passengers was immediate and uniform: absolute alarm! All eyes were wide open; books, iPods and other distractions cast aside. We were in the Western Australian desert. Cyclone Ingrid had hit the State north of the region only a weekContinue reading “Singing After Cyclone Ingrid Part 1”

Adieu, 3CT International! Long live music and the arts!

I don’t know what this will mean for Hao and The 3 Chinese Tenors as a singing, joking, story-telling, backflipping act. He didn’t give me all the reasons. I don’t even know any of the details. They may or may not be complicated but I didn’t ask too many questions because it was a businessContinue reading “Adieu, 3CT International! Long live music and the arts!”